AP US History

AP US History


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Course Information

Length of course:  2 semesters

Prerequisites: a grade of B or higher in previous social studies courses; two core course teacher recommendation; signed AP contract; strong work ethic; an average of C or better and regular attendance in the first semester is required in order to remain enrolled in the course for the second semester.

Course Objectives: The AP program in United States History is designed to prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students should learn to assess historical materials—their relevance to a given interpretative problem, their reliability, and their importance—and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. An AP U.S. History course should thus develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format.

Must have two teacher recommendations.

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