AP Literature

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Course Information

Instructor:   Mr. Ulrey ([email protected])

Length of course:  1 semester

Prerequisites:  Students must have completed all prior English courses with a minimum grade of 80%. A teacher recommendation is also required. Finally, candidates must be self-starting, willing to work hard, and diligent in their school attendance.

Course Description:  In the AP English Literature and Composition course, students devote themselves to the study of literary works written in—or translated into—English. Careful reading and critical analysis of such works of fiction, drama, and poetry, selected locally by responsible educators, provide rich opportunities for students to develop an appreciation of ways literature reflects and comments on a range of experiences, institutions, and social structures. Students will examine the choices literary writers make and the techniques they utilize to achieve purposes and generate meanings.

Students in an AP English Literature and Composition course read actively. The works taught in the course require careful, deliberative reading. And the approach to analyzing and interpreting the material involves students in learning how to make careful observations of textual detail, establish connections among their observations, and draw from those connections a series of inferences leading to an interpretive conclusion about the meaning and value of a piece of writing.

College Board resource: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/pdf/ap-english-literature-and-composition-course-and-exam-description.pdf

Course Objectives
    - To explore the many ways an author can analyze and represent the human condition through literature
    - To develop independent thought through avid critical inquiry and to enhance writing skills through frequent, challenging assignments
    - To create a highly committed, focused, and collaborative community of learners
    - To offer new voices in literature and expand the typical canon of our critical approach

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