AP Environmental Science

Informational Video


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Course Information

Length of course: 1 semester

- 85 or higher average in Adv Biology and Adv Chemistry, or passing grade from AP Human Geography
- teacher recommendations (see below)
- completion of winter reading and assignment
- exceptional work ethic

Course Description:
The goal of the Advanced Placement Environmental Science course is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems (both natural and human-made), to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Environmental Science is interdisciplinary; it embraces a wide variety of topics from different areas of study (e.g. biology, chemistry, earth science, geography).

The course is considered a "flipped classroom" so students should be aware they will be expected to completed a majority of readings and note taking at home. Experiences both in the laboratory and in the field will provide students with important opportunities to test concepts and principles that are introduced in the classroom, to explore specific problems with a depth not easily achieved otherwise, and to gain an awareness of the importance of confounding variables that exist in the “real world.” Examples of investigations include: collecting and analyzing water and soil samples, conducting long term studies on a local ecosystem or environmental problem, analyzing real data sets, and visiting local public facilities such as a water-treatment plant. The laboratory and field component will challenge a student’s ability to:

- Critically observe environmental systems
- Develop and conduct well-designed experiments
- Utilize appropriate techniques and instrumentation
- Analyze and interpret data, including appropriate statistical and graphical presentations
- Think analytically and apply concepts to the solution of environmental problems
- Make conclusions and evaluate their quality and validity
- Propose further questions for study
- Communicate accurately and meaningfully about observations and conclusions

• Additional Information:

Students are given substantial reading assignments and are expected to respond and evaluate actively through discussion and written assignments. Tests often reflect the Advanced Placement format-- multiple-choice tests and timed in-class essays. The instructor’s expectations are high and include a serious work ethic and regular attendance. Winter reading is required.

If approved to take the course, you will receive a Winter Reading & Assignment Packet prior to fall break.

Teacher recommendations
To be considered for the AP Environmental Science course, recommendations are necessary from a previous science teacher. It is your responsibility to identify the teachers and discuss the recommendation process with them. Please have teacher fill-out the information below, sign this form, and email a brief recommendation on your behalf directly to Mrs. Amos.

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