AP Spanish

Informational Video


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Course Information

Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture

• This course is taken for 2 semesters. Spanish 3 is preparation for AP Spanish.  AP Spanish would be considered equivalent to a 2000 level course at most colleges and universities.

• In order to be successful, the following are highly suggested:  Successful completion (an 85 or higher average) of Spanish II or passing a Spanish placement test; completion of summer assignment*; superior work ethic; excellent study habits; willingness to engage with a second language by attempting speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities in and out of the classroom setting.

• Course Description:  This course follows the College Board topical outline for the Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture course and examination (https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-spanish-language-and-culture?course=ap-spanish-language-and-culture).  The AP Spanish Language and Culture course emphasizes communication (understanding and being understood by others) by applying the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations. The AP Spanish Language and Culture course engages students in an exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. The course develops students' awareness and appreciation of cultural products (e.g., tools, books, music, laws, conventions, institutions); practices (patterns of social interactions within a culture); and perspectives (values, attitudes, and assumptions). The course is taught in Spanish and students are expected to participate actively by speaking, listening, reading and writing on a daily basis in Spanish in and out of class.

• SUMMER ASSIGNMENT: Log a minimum of 10 hours of doing reading, writing, listening and speaking activities that are provided on Schoology.

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