PBIS is a proactive framework implemented in schools to promote positive behavior and improve overall school climate. It focuses on teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors, rather than solely relying on punishment or discipline. The goal of PBIS is to create a supportive and respectful learning environment for all students.

Here are some key points about PBIS that parents should know:

  1. What is PBIS? PBIS is an evidence-based approach that uses a three-tiered system of support to address the behavioral needs of students. It emphasizes teaching appropriate behavior, acknowledging and reinforcing positive behaviors, and providing interventions and supports when necessary.
  2. The three tiers of PBIS:
    • Tier 1: Universal support provided to all students in the school. This includes teaching behavioral expectations, implementing consistent routines, and recognizing and reinforcing positive behaviors.
    • Tier 2: Targeted support for students who require additional assistance. This may involve small group interventions, check-in/check-out systems, or mentoring programs.
    • Tier 3: Intensive support for students with more significant behavioral challenges. Individualized plans, counseling, and other specialized interventions are provided to address their needs.
  3. Benefits of PBIS: PBIS has several benefits for students, including improved social skills, reduced problem behaviors, increased academic engagement, and a more positive school climate. It promotes a collaborative approach among educators, parents, and students to create a supportive learning environment.
  4. Parental involvement: Parents play a crucial role in supporting PBIS. Here are some ways parents can get involved:
    • Familiarize yourself with the PBIS framework and the behavioral expectations set by the school. This will help you reinforce the same expectations at home.
    • Communicate with teachers and administrators to stay informed about your child's behavior and progress. Ask how you can support the PBIS strategies used in the classroom.
    • Provide positive reinforcement at home for your child's good behavior and efforts. Recognize and acknowledge their achievements.
    • Collaborate with the school to develop consistent behavioral strategies across home and school settings.
    • Attend parent training sessions or workshops related to PBIS to enhance your understanding of the framework.
  5. Collaboration between home and school: PBIS is most effective when there is a strong partnership between home and school. Regular communication and collaboration between parents and educators can help maintain consistent expectations and reinforce positive behaviors across settings.

Remember, PBIS is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and the strategies used may vary from school to school. It is essential to reach out to your child's school to learn about their specific PBIS implementation and how you can actively support it.
By working together, parents and schools can create a positive and supportive environment that promotes the academic and social-emotional growth of all students.

Contact Information

PBIS Administrator at [email protected]

PBIS Coach Emily Smith at [email protected]

PBIS Coach Ben Williams at [email protected]

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