AP Human Geography

Informational Video


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Course Information

Length of course: 1 semester

- 85 or higher average in Advanced World History and English
 - Teacher recommendations (see below)
 - Completion of summer or winter reading and assignment
 - Exceptional work ethic

Course Description:
Advanced Placement Human Geography is designed to give you a survey course equivalent to that which you would receive in college. Because of the scope of the curriculum and because of time limitations, some areas of geography will be examined more closely than others. You will have to assume the responsibility for filling in these gaps with your own reading programs. You are expected to spend more time doing homework for this course than you may be anticipating. Do not be surprised. Much of the homework may be reading assignments and conceptual understanding. Do what it takes for you to accomplish the tasks presented.

The most important difference between this course and your previous social studies courses will be that you will assume more of the responsibility for your learning! I will present the framework for your studying and I will help you understand the concepts, but you will have to do the hard work. Other differences are in the amount of details that you will be expected to know, and in the interrelationships between concepts and the underlying facts that you must know. It will become crucial that you become your own advocate for learning. Ask questions. Actively seek help. Find a study buddy and hold each other accountable for completing assignments.

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