AP Statistics

Informational Video


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Course Information

Length of course:
One semester

In order to be successful in this course, the following prerequisites are highly recommended:
Minimum 85 average in Pre-Calculus OR
Minimum 90 average in Advanced Algebra OR
Minimum 90 average in Accelerated Geometry/Algebra II
Signed AP Contract
Exceptional Work Ethic

Course Description:
AP Statistics is an introductory college-level statistics course that introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and getting conclusions from data sets. After the course, students should be able to analyze, interpret, and compute descriptive statistics concerning given populations; design certain experiments to test hypotheses; and make inferences about population data.
Students are required to have strong skills of reading comprehensions and algebraic computation prior entering this course. Students will be expected to read from the textbook and supplemental materials each day and have an understanding of the materials to be covered in class prior to lectures. The instructor’s expectations are high and include an exceptional work ethic with the willingness to read and regular attendance.

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