Media Center


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About US

The Loganville Middle School Media Center serves as the hub of learning for the school. More than a resource for books, the Media Center is often the site of joint tech-driven labs and research. As part of our vision and mission statements, we strive to ensure accessibility and opportunity for our learners.

Vision Statement

To create an environment in which the learning community can access the resources and skills necessary to thrive.

Mission Statement

To grow inquisitive learners empowered with the skills necessary to discover and share information responsibly.

Library Partners

If a book is not available within our school media center, be sure to check with some of our local Walton County library partners! If you need help getting a book, be sure to ask, we will be glad to assist! 

Contact Us

Seth Brown 
Media Specialist

Katie Ahlenius
Media Paraprofessional


7:20 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Monday through Thursday

7:20 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
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