School Boundaries
The Walton County School District has 15 schools including nine elementary, three middle and three high schools. These schools are divided into three clusters: Loganville, Monroe Area and Walnut Grove. Three elementary schools feed into one middle school which ultimately feeds into one high school.
Loganville Cluster | Monroe Area Cluster | Walnut Grove Cluster |
Bay Creek Elementary, Loganville Elementary and Sharon Elementary | Harmony Elementary, Monroe Elementary and Walker Park Elementary | Atha Road Elementary, Walnut Grove Elementary and Youth Elementary |
Loganville Middle | Carver Middle | Youth Middle |
Loganville High | Monroe Area High | Walnut Grove High |
Click here to find out in which attendance zone your residence is located.
If you can not find your street name by searching the document, search for the nearest intersecting street to your street. If not found, continue searching the streets nearest your street of residence until you find a stop location that is within five-tenths of a mile of your residence (that is the furthest distance any student is required to walk to the bus stop from their home driveway).
The route and stop times will become more consistent after the first week of school and should stabilize within two weeks of the start of school.
If you are unable to find a stop within five tenths of a mile of your residence, or if you need assistance finding a stop, contact the school your child will attend or the transportation department at (770) 207-3200.
Click here to see a map of the school boundaries.
Please note that the above image is for visualization only. Please use the link to the left to determine the exact zone of your residence.