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Welcome to Pre-K

We are pleased to welcome you to the WCSD Pre-K Program! Please note that enrollment into the program is only open to families who have been offered and have accepted a seat in the program. If you have not already been offered a seat at this time, please click here

Pre-K Registration Items

If your child has already been accepted into the pre-k program, please review the list of items needed for registration and click the blue button below.

  • Certified Birth Certificate
  • Shot Record on Department of Human Resources Form 3231
  • Certificate of Ear, Eye and Dental Examinations - Department of Human Resources Form 3300
  • Proof of Residency - Click here for a complete list of documents accepted for proof of residency.

    If you do not own your home or have a lease/rental agreement in your name, you must contact our Student Services Department (770-266-4510 or 4511) to clear your proof of residency.

  • A copy of the student's social security card or signed waiver

For assistance with missing enrollment documents:

Pre-K Registration


It is preferred that all documents (birth certificate, SSN, etc.) be uploaded to the online enrollment application in a PDF format. If using a cellphone, use the phone's scanner to create PDFs. Pictures of documents cannot be accepted. If you are unable to upload the documents as PDFs, please complete the online enrollment process without uploading the documents and take hard copies directly to the school.