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Federal Programs

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was signed into law in 1965 by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who believed that "full educational opportunity" should be "our first national goal." ESEA offered new grants to school districts serving low-income students, federal grants for textbooks and library books, funding for special education centers, and scholarships for low-income college students. Additionally, the law provided federal grants to state educational agencies to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education.

In 2002, the United States Congress enacted the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act as a replacement for ESEA.  NCLB represented a significant step forward for our nation’s children in many respects, particularly as it shined a light on where students were making progress and where they needed additional support, regardless of race, income, zip code, disability, home language, or background. Over time, NCLB’s prescriptive requirements became increasingly unworkable for schools and educators. A better law, focused on the clear goal of fully preparing all students for success in college and careers, was needed.

In 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law by President Obama, once again revising the 50-year-old ESEA.  The new law, ESEA, has allowed school districts to build upon key areas of progress in recent years:  high school graduation rates are at all-time highs, dropout rates are at historic lows, and more students are going to college than ever before.

The Walton County School District participates in multiple ESSA programs, which provide funds that help us ensure that all students have equitable access to a high-quality education, regardless of their economic status or other factors.

Title I (Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged)

Title II (Preparing & Training Teachers and Leaders)
Title III (Language Instruction for English Learners)
Title IV-A (Student Support and Academic Enrichment)
Title IV-B (21st Century Community Learning Centers)

Additionally, in 2020, in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, Congress allocated additional funds, generally referred to as CARES Grants.  

Camie McGaughey

Director of Federal Programs

Ilene Moss

Administrative Assistant
(770) 266-4479