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Assessment, Accountability & Research

The Office of Assessment, Accountability, and Research coordinates the district, state and national testing programs, College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) verifications, district balanced scorecard, data requests, research requests, HB91 graduation petitions and program evaluations. Our primary function is to support and assist our schools with student achievement.
Assessment Point

  • Supports the district-wide assessment process to improve student performance by establishing system testing dates and policies.
  • Measures the level of student achievement of the English Arts and Mathematics Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) and Science and Social Studies Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) in order to identify student needs. Provides schools with diagnostic and predictive information in identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to establish priorities in planning educational programs.
  • Implements state-mandated tests in compliance with state requirements.
  • Implements and obtains national norm-referenced tests and national assessments to measure student progress relative to national progress.
  • Facilitates and assists in the development of local assessments that identify student learning patterns and needs.
  • Coordinates proctoring and administration of tests in the schools.
  • Establishes test security guidelines for the school system.
  • Ensures data and test scores are available in multiple formats to meet the needs of the district and departmental goals (see Executive Summary Reports).
  • Analyzes and reports data and test score results to the schools, district, parents, and the public.
  • Serves as the contact point for the Georgia Milestones Assessment Program.
  • Provides website information to our students, parents, and the public through links to testing and CCRPI.

Accountability Point

  • Serves as system and school liaison with the Georgia Department of Education for College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) calculations
  • Assists and supports the schools to meet/exceed and interpret the CCRPI measures at federal, state and local levels.
  • Assists in formulation, establishment, and implementation of system accountability plans, school benchmarks, and district scorecard to close gaps between and among all students and different groups of students.
  • Assists our schools and district with data-driven decisions to improve student achievement.
  • Organizes and presents assessment accountability data to district and school communities – locally and through the state.

Research Point

  • Interprets and oversees research and research projects
  • Processes and reviews all research requests submitted by faculty and students at institutions throughout the Southeast.

Louise Williams-Hutchens


Nicole Becker

Administrative Assistant
(770) 266-4482