Parental Rights
As parents of a child with disabilities, you and your child have many rights; and with these rights, there are certain responsibilities. The school district is responsible for safeguarding your rights. You, in turn, should attempt to keep the school district informed of things that affect your child's education. You are also urged to assist the school by attending Individualized Education Program conferences (IEP's) and by keeping the lines of communication open at all times. When you have concerns about your child's education, it is important to tell your school principal or coordinator of special education. If you need further assistance in talking to people in the school system, there are advocacy and/or parent groups from whom you may obtain help. First and foremost, however, you should talk to your child's teacher, principal, the special education coordinator or other school administrators. Schools exist to help children grow and develop into capable adults, but schools need the help and cooperation of parents to accomplish their goals.
Please see our "Useful Links" Section for links to various websites regarding Student Disabilities.