School Benefits (Free or Reduced Price Meals)
Eligible families must complete an application to receive free or reduced price benefits unless they have already received a letter from the School Nutrition Office saying they have qualified.
Extras and a la carte items must be purchased separately and are not affected by free or reduced price benefits.
Free or reduced price applications and status are confidential. WCSD does not share free or reduced price status information with teachers.
Applying for School Benefits
Online Applications
For faster processing, visit to complete your application online today!
Print Applications
We encourage families to complete School Benefits applications online for faster approval.
A flyer explaining School Benefits will be sent home with each student on the first day of school. Copies of print applications will be available upon request at schools or the Central Office. Print applications must be submitted to your child's school or the Board of Education. WCSD is not allowed to accept faxed or scanned applications.