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Health & Wellness

The Walton County School Nutrition Program ensures that a BOE approved Wellness Policy along with accompanying procedures are in place.  The School Nutrition Program coordinates and facilitates meetings of the Wellness Council and ensures that an assessment of the Wellness Policy and Procedures is completed at least once every three years.
Notices of Wellness Council meetings are posted on this webpage.  If you are interested in being a member of the Wellness Council, please email the Director of School Nutrition ( 
Results from the most current triennial assessment are published on this webpage for several months, then removed for archival purposes.  If you would like a copy of the results of the most recent triennial assessment, please contact the Director of School Nutrition ( 

Foods sold in schools during the school day to which students have access may be sold under two conditions:

  1. The food item meets "Smart Snacks in Schools" nutritional standards.  Find out if a food meets standards here: or
  2. The school has sanctioned a waiver for the organization.  Up to thirty waivers for no more than three days each are available for each school each year.  Fundraisers taking advantage of waiver allowances must follow guidelines regarding when items are sold.

A food fundraiser log must be maintained at each schools.