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Financial & Experience Verifications

The Walton County School District is committed to ensuring that employment and income records are protected, yet readily accessible when needed. Therefore, in order to process your request as quickly as possible, please go through the appropriate channels below when requesting or submitting employment information.

Financial Verification

Verify Today Logo

At various times you may need to verify your employment and income for securing a mortgage, renting an apartment, buying a car, providing information to government agencies, etc. 

To better serve our current and former employees, WCSD has partnered with VerifyToday to offer secure, automated verifications of employment and income. This is a simple way for you and the verifier to obtain the verifications you need when you need them most. It’s fast, secure, and easy.

To utilize this service, tell the requestor to go to and they will take care of the rest!

Experience Verification

Experience Verification Logo

As part of the hiring process, employees may be asked to submit a verification of employment from previous employers. These experience verification forms can be downloaded using the links below.

These forms should be submitted to the Human Resources department via email, fax or mail. Click here for contact information.