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Procurement Office

The Procurement Office of the Department of Finance is responsible for the solicitation and purchase of goods and services used by all schools and departments of the Walton County School District. This is accomplished through the issuance of phone quotes, written bids, request for proposals, State of Georgia contracts and other local and federal agency contracts. The Purchasing Office utilizes the most expeditious and cost-effective procurement methods to secure required products and services and maximize value for each dollar spent. All purchases are based on sound business practices as established by Board approved policies and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing Standards. 

Vision Statement

The Vision of the Procurement Office is to make a positive impact in the community while achieving the highest standard in governmental purchasing for the Walton County School District.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Procurement Office is to provide best practices in the purchase of goods and services through ethical, legal and transparent processes and support to each school and central office department.


Our goal is to obtain the highest quality supplies, materials, services and equipment at the lowest possible cost and in the shortest period of time from responsible vendors.  

All purchases, whether for products or services, must be supported by an official Walton County School District Purchase Order with a valid purchase order number or WCSD authorized purchasing card. The Walton County School District will not be bound by any unauthorized purchases.