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Board of Education

GSBA Governance Team of the Year Finalist logo with trophy

The exemplary seven-member Walton County Board of Education is the official governing body for the School District. Its responsibilities include policy-making, budget approval, evaluation of the superintendent and other duties as prescribed by law. Board members are elected to four-year terms.
To contact a Board Member, please visit the Board Members page located in the navigation panel on the right. 

Walton County Board of Education Meetings

The Walton County Board of Education holds its regular monthly meeting on the second Tuesday of each month. The Board's work session is held on the first Tuesday of each month. 

Both the regular monthly meetings and the work sessions begin at 5:30 p.m. Work sessions are held in the Walton County School District's Training Rooms and regular monthly meetings are held in the Board Room. The Walton County School District's Board Office is located at 200 Double Springs Church Road, Monroe, GA 30656.